Five Big Reasons to Invest in a Business Security System

When it comes to the physical security of their company, many business owners take the approach of sticking their head in the sand.

This might be due to one or a combination of reasons, including: the threat of criminal activity feeling abstract or remote, concerns over the price of installing and maintaining a security system, or being too preoccupied with running a business to give the question of security any attention.

Whatever the reason for avoiding the topic of security, it’s simply not wise to leave your business unsecured. Investing in a security system is essential for a number of reasons, which we’ll outline below. And given that the security industry now offers more options at more price points than ever before, now is the time to take business security seriously. Here’s how a security system can benefit your business.

Deter criminal activity.
This is perhaps the most obvious reason to invest in a security system and arguably the most important. Statistically, businesses that utilize security systems (especially visible surveillance cameras) are less likely to be targeted by criminals than those companies that fail to invest in surveillance tools. Additionally, verified security systems allow for prompt, verified notification of the proper authorities in the event of a break-in or other criminal emergency, which can decrease the severity of an attack.

Protect your business assets.
Even if your company’s assets are insured, that doesn’t mean the loss of certain assets wouldn’t be devastating to your business. For example, no amount of insurance money can make up for the loss of your customers’ data, because the damage to your company’s reputation would be potentially irrevocable. Security systems help to physically secure those assets that can’t be accounted for via insurance payouts.

Enhance employee safety.
In many cases, security systems can help your employees feel safer on the job—particularly if any of your employees regularly work late shifts or odd hours or are frequently alone on the premises. A high-quality system will be able to send out an alert should an employee be the victim of an accident or other dangerous incident while working solo, which can provide those employees with comfort while they work. Additionally, monitoring the staff parking lot can help secure employees’ vehicles from theft and vandalism and help them feel safer when they’re walking to and from the parking space.

Save money.
Investing in a security system can save your company money in two ways. For starters, many insurance companies offer discounted premiums to companies that commit to deterring criminal activity via security systems. Some insurers will even assist small businesses with defraying the costs of purchasing and installing a security system. And should you need to process a claim, surveillance footage can help your claim be processed more quickly and ensure that it’s paid in full.

Additionally, surveillance footage can be used to defend your company in the case of frivolous lawsuits. Consider a scenario in which a customer spends time on the premises and then later falsely contends they were injured while on your company’s property. Without surveillance footage, it’s your word against theirs. With it, you have video evidence to help uncover who is truly liable and dodge expensive suits.

Enjoy greater peace of mind.
Now that you’re ready to invest in a security system for your business, it’s time to research your options, beginning with a call to Sonitrol Great Lakes. Modern security systems from Sonitrol Great Lakes offer a variety of different advantages, with verified security response by law enforcement among the most important. We’ll take the time to identify the most effective system that’s right for your company, and provide you and your employees with greater security and peace of mind for years to come.

Source: Huffington Post

About Sonitrol Great Lakes

As one of the nation’s largest commercial security companies, Sonitrol offers integrated security solutions, featuring a unique verified audio detection technology. Sonitrol provides businesses with a single source of state-of-the-art alarms for verified audio and video intrusion, as well as video surveillance, access control and fire detection, all backed with professional monitoring by experienced, trained personnel. Sonitrol Tri-County’s regional headquarters and state-of-the-art monitoring center are located in Grand Blanc, Mich. For more information, go to

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